A downloadable game


A "mindscape" is a piece of my mind. It is a setting that I frequently imagine in my mind, for who knows what reason. The Mindscapes project seeks to take these imaginary locations and recreate them in Unity, and who knows? Maybe one day someone who's imagined the exact same thing as me will come along!


1. Download Mindscapes - Arbor Dale

2. Unzip the downloaded ZIP file

3. Open the unzipped file and navigate to the Mindscapes - Arbor Dale Nostalgia Build folder

4. Run the MINDSCAPE - Arbor Dale.exe file

5. Enjoy!


Arbor Dale is a honey-tinted place of falling leaves, roaming bears, and a weirdly linear forest. It's odd because of the frequently occurring rows of trees that suggest this to be a man-made grove, but if that's the case, where are the people? Miles upon miles you stroll amongst golden rays of light streaming through the tops of oak trees, and there's not an end in sight.


- Free Footstep System by Pavel Cristian, the footstep sounds were especially useful.

- NPC Tool by EdgarDev, thanks for allowing my bears to come to life

- Volumetric Light Beam by Tech Salad, thanks for allowing me to make my dreamscape a reality!

- AllSky Free by rpgwhitelock, thanks for helping to replace the boring default sky

- Stylized Trees and Foliage by Aquarius Max, a saviour honestly

- FREE Stylized Bear - RPG Forest Animal by Blink, amazing models!

- Fantasy Forest Environment - Free Demo by TriForge Assets, these trees are amazing for the upcoming update!

- Nature Starter Kit 2 by Shapes - Your textures are amazing!

- Falling into your own fantasy world // a playlist by Ivoryyy - Your playlist helped inspire me to finish this world!

- No Copyright Relaxing Fantasy Music // Forest Walk | Alexander Nakarada by Alexander Nakarada - A more formal background track for the Nostalgia Build


MINDSCAPES - Arbor Dale 67 MB

Install instructions


1. Download either Mindscapes - Arbor Dale build

2. Unzip the downloaded ZIP file

3. Open the unzipped file and navigate to your desired mindscape's folder (Example: MINDSCAPE - Arbor Dale Nostalgia Build)

4. Click on the Unity project executable in that folder (Example: MINDSCAPE - Arbor Dale.exe)

5. Enjoy!

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